The fourth meeting of the LSE.ICEF International Academic Advisory Board
The fourth meeting of the LSE.ICEF International Academic Advisory Board (IAAB) took place in London on 8 December 2014.
The following members of IAAB participated in the meeting: professors R.Jackman (LSE), J. Hartley (LSE), C.Julliard (LSE), D.Tsomocos (Oxford), J.Shvets (Cambridge), First Vice-Rector of HSE V. Radaev, ICEF Director S.Yakovlev, Deputy Director O.Zamkov, ICEF professors A. Boulatov and M.Nikitin.
The IAAB annually discusses the state and implementation of ICEF development programme, formulates new strategic objectives for the institute. The Committee noticed considerable progress of ICEF in research and publications area, educational programmes implementation and development, alumni placement, international academic staff formation. Further strategies for ICEF on its way to academic excellence were discussed at the meeting, concerning academic staff recruitment and promotion, research and top publishing, educational programmes, graduates placement support.
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