International College of Economics and Finance

HRH The Princess Royal Visited ICEF

This year Princess Anne, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal visited the Higher School of Economics International College of Economics and Finance.

On February 4, 2014, Princess Anne, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal visited the Higher School of Economics International College of Economics and Finance.

During her visit, The Princess Royal met with senior-level HSE and ICEF management and with ICEF students, faculty, and alumni.

"The fact that The Princess Royal chose ICEF as one of the places she is visiting in Moscow certainly indicates that our project has been successful; much of the credit for that goes to our colleagues—professors of the London School of Economics. We attach great importance to her visit, and we believe that it will contribute to ICEF's further development and the expansion of its educational programmes," said HSE President Alexander Shokhin.

The meeting with The Princess Royal was also attended by HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov, First Vice Rector Vadim Radaev, ICEF Director Sergey Yakovlev, and Director of ICEF Project  at the London School of Economics Richard Jackman, who spoke about the development of the cooperation between the HSE and the University of London under the ICEF Project.

The Princess Royal was particularly interested in how this cooperation has influenced the transformation of educational standards and approaches to learning at the HSE. Yaroslav Kuzminov noted that the HSE continues to move towards integration into the global academic community, in particular through the international recruitment of teachers and by increasing the number of courses taught in English.

Following her meeting with the HSE and ICEF administration, The Princess Royal met and shook hands with students, faculty, and alumni. Afterwards, The Princess Royal asked about the motives of non-Russian students from Latvia, China, and other countries for choosing ICEF, and about the students’ career plans. The Princess Royal, who supports numerous charitable causes, was particularly pleased to learn that some students are engaged in environmental issues and helping children.
The Princess Royal is a member of the British royal family and the only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II. Since 1987, she has held the title of The Princess Royal, traditionally awarded to the eldest daughter of the British monarch. The Princess Royal participated in the equestrian event at the 1976 Olympics in Montreal. She is President of the British Olympic Association and represents her country on the International Olympic Committee.

The Princess Royal is Chancellor of the University of London whose London School of Economics and Political Science, jointly with the Higher School of Economics, established the International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) in 1997. ICEF graduates receive their degrees from the HSE and the University of London. Since its establishment, the ICEF Board of Trustees has been chaired by Sergei Dubinin, Board Member of the VTB Capital and ex-chairman of the Russian Central Bank.

Marina Ryklina, Vadim Vorobyov, and Oleg Seregin

Princess visit to ICEF on the HSE website >>