International College of Economics and Finance

The University of London thanked ICEF for the excellent work

Between January and March, 2014, the University of London (UoL) carried out a cycle of events as part of a review of ICEF as a UoL Affiliate Centre.

Between January and March, 2014, the University of London (UoL) carried out a cycle of events as part of a review of ICEF as a UoL Affiliate Centre. This is the highest status, which is only assigned to a small part of the institutions in partnerships with the UoL. The review procedure was concluded with a visit by the UoL representative delegation to ICEF on February 24.

The International College of Economics and Finance received a letter of commendation from the UoL, as well as some analytical data on the ICEF results compared to averages on the University of London International Programmes. The data shows that in 2013, 66% of ICEF graduates received UoL first and upper second class degrees, while internationally only 21% of graduates received such degrees. The gap in first class degrees is even bigger: 27% at ICEF and 4% globally. While 90% of ICEF students successfully passed University of London examinations, the international indicator is 74%.

Representatives of academic committees and commissions at the University of London studied the data, comparing ICEF with other institutions around the world, and noted the ICEF students’ excellent results in international examinations, as well as the exceptionally high standard of the entire programme.

The article at the HSE website >>