International College of Economics and Finance

Publications in 2016



"Self-driving cars will change cities"
Regional Science and Urban Economics 61, pp. 26-37, September 2016
Roman Zakharenko

"Endogenous growth and demographic transition in a model of cultural transmission"

Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Pages 1-19, September 2016
Roman Zakharenko

"The time dimension of parking economics"

Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Vol. 91. Pages 211-228, September 2016
Roman Zakharenko

"Nothing else matters: evolution of preference for social prestige"
Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol. 80, Pages 58-64, March 2016
Roman Zakharenko

ICEF Working Papers

"Strategic investment"
WP9/2016/01. – Moscow: Higher School of Economics Publ. House, 2016. – 56 p.
Bart Taub, Anju Seth