International College of Economics and Finance

Publications in 2015



"Collateral and the Efficiency of Monetary Policy"

Economic Theory, Vol. 59, Issue 3, Pages 579-603, August 2015
Udara Peiris, Alexandros Vardoulakis 

"Robustness of equilibrium in the Kyle model of informed speculation"
Annals of Finance 11 (3-4), pp. 297-318
Alexey BoulatovDan Bernhardt (University of Illinois)

"Informality and Mobility: Evidence from Russian Panel Data"

Economics of Transition, Vol . 23.  2. Pages 299-341, April 2015 

Fabian Slonimczyk, Vladimir Gimpelson

"Trade Costs, Conflicts, and Defense Spending"
Journal of International Economics, Vol. 95, № 2, Pages 305–318, March 2015 
Roman Zakharenko, Michael Seitz (Boston Consulting Group), Alexander Tarasov (University of Munich)

"International Monetary Equilibrium with Default"
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 56, Pages 47–57, January 2015
Udara PeirisDimitrios Tsomocos (University of Oxford) 

ICEF Working Papers

"Biased Performance Evaluation in A Model of Career Concerns: Incentives versus Ex-Post Efficiency"
WP9/2015/05. – Moscow: Higher School of Economics Publ. House, 2015. – 39 p.
Sergey Stepanov

"Transfers of Corporate Control in Firms with Non-Controlling Blockholders"
WP9/2015/04. – Moscow: Higher School of Economics Publ. House, 2015. – 57 p.
Sergey Stepanov

"Collusion and corruption: an experimental study of Russian police"
WP9/2015/03. – Moscow: Higher School of Economics Publ. House, 2015. – 19 p.
Alexis BelianinLeonid Kosals

"Agency problem and ownership structure: outside blockholder as a signal"
WP9/2015/02. – Moscow: Higher School of Economics Publ. House, 2015. – 36 p.
Sergey Stepanov, Anton Suvorov 

"Pricing Innovation in the Presence of Word of Mouth Communication"
WP9/2015/01. – Moscow: Higher School of Economics Publ. House, 2015. – 37 p.
Roman Chuhay