ICEF Job Market Induction Programme
The ICEF Job Market Induction Programme helps students be ready to enter the job market or continue further studies in academia. The aim of the programme is to ensure that ICEF students have the greatest competitive advantage upon completion of their studies, whether entering employment or looking to continue their education. The Programme caters to BSc and MSc students at every stage at every stage of their study; below is a condensed outline of its structure.
The main Programme areas are the following:
1. For Students
- Assistance in finding employment
- Assistance in continuing further study
- Organisation and support for all types of Internships & Placements
2. For Alumni
- Maintenance of the alumni database
- Engagement on issues of teaching and governance
- Events and master classes for students
- Mentoring scheme
- Vacancy monitoring for students
3. Cooperation with employers
- Careers events for students
- Consultations on curriculum development
- Feedback on the work of ICEF students & graduates
The Programme help students to:
• Identify the direction of their professional development (whether further study or employment)
• Gain the skills necessary to find vacancies, apply for jobs and move forward in the professional world
• Build their own network of professional contacts.
Programme Outline | |||||||||||||||||||
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