Научный семинар
Докладчик: Арташес Карапетян (Норвежский Банк)
6 декабряв 16.40 в ауд. 3118 (ул. Шаболовка д. 26) пройдет совместный научный семинар Международного института экономики и финансов и Международной лаборатории финансовой экономики по финансам.
Докладчик: Арташес Карапетян (Норвежский Банк)
Тема доклада:«Hidden Costs of Hidden Debt», в соавторстве с Йоханом Алменберг
Тезисы доклада:We argue that salience - the extent to which a cost is visible and difficult to ignore - may have economically significant effects on homeowners' borrowing behavior, through a bias towards less salient but more expensive loans. We first report survey evidence consistent with some homeowners having this bias. Next, we use a simple model to show that the presence of some biased consumers in the market will affect equilibrium prices. We then proceed to show that market data support the predictions of the model. We conduct several robustness checks to address unobserved heterogeneity. The observed effect is large.