Международный институт экономики и финансов

Публикация У. Пейриса в журнале Economic Theory

Поздравляем преподавателя МИЭФ Удару Пейриса с публикацией в международном реферируемом журнале Economic Theory статьи "Savings and default"

Поздравляем преподавателя МИЭФ Удару Пейриса с публикацией в международном реферируемом журнале Economic Theory статьи "Savings and default".

Тезисы доклада
In the  presence of uninsurable idiosyncratic risk, the optimal credit contract allows for the possibility of default. In addition, the optimal contract incorporates a precautionary savings motive over and above what agents would otherwise save. When default is sufficiently high, credit markets may collapse. A regulatory requirement on the level of savings can increase risk sharing and improve welfare by increasing the gains to trade in credit exchange. Under the appropriate verifiability condition on the level of savings, an appropriate market structure, agents voluntarily increase their level of storage such that trade and welfare improve.