Совместный научный семинар МИЭФ и ЛФЭ, Taufique Samdani (IESEG)
Докладчик: Taufique Samdani (IESEG)
Тема доклада: "Investor Protection and Institutional Investors’ Incentive for Information Production" совместно с Sagi Akron

Тезисы доклада: We exploit a quasi-experimental setting to demonstrate that non-discretionary allocation of book-building initial public offering (IPO) shares incentivizes institutional investors to understate the value of IPO shares in the primary market so they can profit from mispricing in the secondary market, thereby increasing IPO underpricing. Conversely, discretionary allocation of book-building IPO shares incentivizes well-informed institutional investors to truthfully disclose their private information about the IPO in the primary market, thereby decreasing IPO underpricing. Our empirical framework, which elucidates an important facet of underwriters’ risk in firm-commitment contracts, reveals a market-specific allocation policy tradeoff; between information production and investor protection.
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