Международный институт экономики и финансов

Научный семинар МИЭФ, Ассаф Разин (Корнельский университет)

Во вторник, 3 июня в 16.40 в ауд. 3211 (ул. Шаболовка, 26) прошел научный семинар Международного института экономики и финансов.
Докладчик: Ассаф Разин (Корнельский университет)

Тема доклада: «Migration State and Welfare State: US vs. EU»

Тезисы доклада:  I offer an explanation to the differences between the US and the EU with respect to two key policy differences:
(1) The higher generosity of the welfare-migration system in the EU, relative to the US;
(2) The skill and wealth bias of migration in the US, relative to  migration to the EU, with the former receiving a higher share portion of the skilled and rich migrants. I develop a model of a union consisting of  welfare states and migration states which is capable of generatiing these predictions for a migration and fiscal competion regime in the EU-like  case, and migration and fiscal coordination  regime in the US-like case.


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