Publications in 2007
Research papers and articles of ICEF faculty members are regularly published in reputable Russian and international academic journals. ICEF also has its Working Paper Series “Research in economics and finance”, aimed at dissemination of research output produced by ICEF faculty members.
Key publications in 2007
"Split-Awards and Disputes: An Experimental Study of a Strategic Model of Litigation"
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, July 2007, v. 63, iss. 3, pp. 553-72,
Maxim Nikitin, Claudia M. Landeo (University of Alberta) and Linda Babcock (H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management)
"Dollarization and the Inflation Threshold"
Canadian Journal of Economics, May 2007, v. 40, iss. 2, pp. 628-49,
Maxim Nikitin, Gaetano Antinolfi (Washington University) and Claudia M.Landeo (University of Alberta)
"Deterrence, Lawsuits, and Litigation Outcomes under Court Errors"
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, April 2007, v.23, 1, pp. 57-97,
Maxim Nikitin, Claudia M.Landeo (University of Alberta) and Scott Baker (Washington University)
"Dynamics of target stock by corporate takeovers and the subjective probability of takeover completion" (English translation, in German: "Dynamik der Zielaktie bei Unternehmensьbernahmen und die subjektive Wahrscheinlichkeit des bernahmeerfolges")
Hamburg, Kovac, 2007, ISBN 978-3-8300-3307-3
Sergey Gelman
"The Effects of Shareholder Disagreement under Majority Voting"
Presented at the ASSET conference, 2005, ICEF Research Seminar 2007 and Finance Workshop, Universitat Pompeu Fabra 2006
Carsten Sprenger
"Switching volatility in target stocks during the takeover bids"
Working Paper, University of Muenster, January 2007,
Sergey Gelman, Bernd Wilfling (University of Muenster)
"Stock Options vs. Optimal Contracts in a Dynamic Agency Model"
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, mimeo,
Stanimir Morfov
"Optimal Contract in a Dynamic Agency Model with History-dependent Participation Constraints"
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, mimeo.
Stanimir Morfov
ICEF Working Papers
"Open Market Operations and Volatility of Bond Returns: Microstructure Evidence"
WP9/2007/03. – Moscow: Publishing house of SU HSE, 2007. – 44 с.
Vladimir Sokolov
"Towards an Equilibrium Theory of Cooperation in Finitely Repeated Games"
WP9/2007/02. – Moscow: Publishing House of SU HSE, 2007. – 32 с.
Alexis Belianin
"Information Acquisition, Coordination, and Fundamentals in a Financial Crisis"
WP9/2007/01. – Moscow: Publishing House of SU HSE, 2007. – 24 с.
Maxim Nikitin, R. Todd Smith
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