Bart Taub, Professor in Finance (Economics) at the Adam Smith Business School of the University of Glasgow, who will be visiting ICEF during the period 2014-2016, spoke to the ICEF English language news Portal about his research and collaboration with ICEF HSE >>
Research & Expertise
Professor Bart Taub will be visiting ICEF during the period 2014-2016. He will stay at ICEF for approximately two months per year >>
On Thursday, April 10 at 4.40 pm International College of Economics and Finance held a research seminar.
Speaker: Marjorie Flavin (University of California, San Diego)
Speaker: Marjorie Flavin (University of California, San Diego)

Speaker: Caterina Moschieri (IE Business School)

Speaker: Frederic Malherbe (LBS)

Speaker: Chloe Le Coq (SITE Stockholm School of Economics)

Speaker: Marco Francesconi (University of Essex)
January 20 at 4.40 pm, room 3211 (Shabolovka st., 26)
Speaker: Michele Piffer (LSE)
Speaker: Michele Piffer (LSE)
Taking part in LSE's Summer School galvanised Moscow-based Anfisa Loboyko to pursue her postgraduate study there >>