International College of Economics and Finance

Research & Expertise

Interview with Professor Bart Taub

Bart Taub, Professor in Finance (Economics) at the Adam Smith Business School of the University of Glasgow, who will be visiting ICEF during the period 2014-2016, spoke to the ICEF English language news Portal about his research and collaboration with ICEF HSE >>

Meet ICEF Visiting Professor Bart Taub

Professor Bart Taub will be visiting ICEF during the period 2014-2016. He will stay at ICEF for approximately two months per year >>

Research Seminar by Marjorie Flavin (University of California, San Diego)

On Thursday, April 10 at 4.40 pm International College of Economics and Finance held a research seminar.
Speaker: Marjorie Flavin (University of California, San Diego)

Public Lecture by James Hamilton (University of California, San Diego) in honor of Evgeny G. Yasin

Public Lecture by James Hamilton (University of California, San Diego) in honor of Evgeny G. Yasin
On Wednesday, April 9 HSE hosted the academic visit of Prof. James Hamilton (University of California, San Diego)

ICEF/LFE Research Seminar in Finance

ICEF/LFE Research Seminar in Finance
March 27 at 4.40 pm, room 3211 (Shabolovka st., 26)
Speaker: Caterina Moschieri (IE Business School)

ICEF/LFE Reserach Seminar in Finance

ICEF/LFE Reserach Seminar in Finance
March 20 at 4.40 pm, room 3211 (Shabolovka st., 26)
Speaker: Frederic Malherbe (LBS)

ICEF/LFE Research Seminar in Finance

ICEF/LFE Research Seminar in Finance
March 6 at 4.40 pm, room 3211 (Shabolovka st., 26)
Speaker: Chloe Le Coq (SITE Stockholm School of Economics)

Research Seminar

Research Seminar
February 27 at 4.40 pm, room 3211 (Shabolovka st., 26) ICEF held the Research Seminar
Speaker: Marco Francesconi (University of Essex)

Job Market Seminar

January 20  at  4.40 pm, room  3211  (Shabolovka st., 26)
Speaker: Michele Piffer (LSE)

A desire for independence

Taking part in LSE's Summer School galvanised Moscow-based Anfisa Loboyko to pursue her postgraduate study there >>