International College of Economics and Finance

Distinguished lectures by professor Oded Stark

On Thursday and Friday, May 14 and 15 ICEF hosted  Distinguished Lectures on the Logical Foundations of the New Economics of the Brain Drain
 Lecturer: professor Oded Stark
(Universities of Klagenfurt, Bonn, and Vienna;
Warsaw University; Warsaw School of Economics).

Information about Oded Stark

Professor Oded Stark is one of the first-string specialists in international migration in the world, and a laureate of prestige Humboldt Prize. He has written on applied microeconomic theory, development economics, population economics, the economics of migration, labor economics, evolutionary economics, urban economics, regional economics, and the theory of the firm. At the present time he is a University Professor and Chair in Economic and Regional Policy at the University of Klagenfurt. He served as a Professor of Economics (Chair in Development Economics) at the University of Oslo, and prior to that as a Professor of Population and Economics and as the Director of the Migration and Development Program at Harvard University.








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