ICEF Once Again Comes First in HeadHunter Rankings
For the second year, ICEF leads the HeadHunter ranking of top Russian universities and faculties in economics and finance. Analysts from examined the CV database of 2021–2022 graduates of Moscow universities on the website. The ranking covered nine professional fields.
HeadHunter is the biggest online recruitment company in Russia. It has published its rankings for 2021–2022, which are based on employer demand for graduates of Moscow universities whose CVs are available on the website.
The ranking aims to evaluate the demand for graduates among employers by measuring their interactions on the labour market. The platform did not conduct surveys of graduates or measure criteria for assessing the quality of education in a faculty (such as publications in journals, faculty makeup, number of candidate and doctoral graduations, etc).
The following criteria were used to compile the ranking:
- Demand for graduates from a specific faculty (the correlation between graduates invited to job interviews in a specific field to graduates invited from a specific faculty).
- Salary demand for graduates by employers (the correlation between the average salary offered to early-career specialists to the average salary according to the salary database).
- Field-specific job-hunting by graduates (the correlation between the labour market and the education system).
ICEF is followed in the ranking by the Faculty of Economics at MSU, the Faculty of International Economic Relations at the Financial University, the Department of Finance and Banking at RANEPA, and the HSE University Faculty of Economic Sciences.
The ranking is available on the website (in Russian).
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