International College of Economics and Finance

Research Seminar

November 15 at 4.40 pm, room 3118 (Shabolovka st., 26) ICEF held Research Seminar
Speaker: Federico Mandelman (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)

On Thursday, November 15 at 4.40 pm,International College of Economics and Financen will hold a Research Seminar.
Speaker:Federico Mandelman (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
Theme: «Regular variation and the identification of generalized accelerated failure-time models»
Venue:Shabolovka st. 26, building 3, room 3118

Abstract: During the last thirty years, labor markets in advanced economies where characterized by their striking polarization. As job opportunities in middle-skill occupations disappeared, employment opportunities concentrated in the highest- and lowest wage occupations. This polarization, however, was not monotonic: the relative employment share for each skill group significantly fluctuated over time. I show that a model that incorporates trade in tasks rather than in goods can replicate the observed polarization. In addition, the domestic and international macroeconomic shocks estimated in this paper can rationalize the observed short- to medium-run dynamics of employment shares for each skill group.

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