International College of Economics and Finance

ICEF Job Market Seminars Given A Start

ICEF Job Market Seminars Given A Start

Every year, ICEF and the faculties across HSE are recruiting lecturers through competitive examination. It is a requirement that candidates hold PhDs from leading international universities. Presenting at this year’s series of Job Market seminars will be researchers from the USA, Germany, Sweden, France and other countries.

This year, the application process used The Econ Job Market system. During five days, the candidates were being interviewed by peers at HSE and LSE. The seventeen shortlisted ones are invited to speak at HSE in online and offline formats. Presenting offline at the first Job Market seminars were Elizaveta Sizova, who holds a PhD from the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), and Alexey Kushnir, who holds his degree from the University of Pennsylvania (USA).

Click here for more about ICEF recruitment process.

Elizaveta Sizova presenting her job market paper
Elizaveta Sizova presenting her job market paper

Udara Peiris, ICEF Associate Professor, Chair of ICEF Faculty Selection Board

Udara Peiris, ICEF Associate Professor, Chair of ICEF Faculty Selection Board

We look at whether the candidate pursues research in areas of vital interest, whether they have the skills and training to be able to search for solutions, whether their performance will be recognized as satisfactory by the professional community. Interviews alone may not be sufficient to give us the answers. We therefore maintain a process that explores candidate’s portfolio – to see who supervised their PhD paper, endorsed their letters of reference, and what their job marker paper is about. It’s kind of our own inquiry into candidate’s academic past. But we basically look at the job market paper as the most important, documented outcome of a PhD holder’s progress and the starting point in their career in academia. 

We want colleagues we can learn from. True, we may be setting the bar too high for our candidates, often losing the perfect ones to our larger competitors, but this careful selection is exactly what has helped us build a unique team of researchers.