International College of Economics and Finance

International Recognition of Quality

Professor Mary Stiasny, Pro Vice-Chancellor UoL

Professor Mary Stiasny, Pro Vice-Chancellor UoL

On February 9, 2021 ICEF received a letter from Professor Mary Stiasny, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International), following the 2019-20 Teaching Centres Annual Monitoring process, as well as some analytical data, on the ICEF results compared to averages on the University of London International Programmes.

Representatives of UoL academic committees and commissions noted that ICEF “continues to demonstrate good recruitment and strong assessment results that are higher than the global average for Recognised Teaching Centres”. According to the report, 96,9% of ICEF students successfully passed University of London examinations (the pass rate is also higher than the global average).

We congratulate ICEF students, faculty and staff on the excellent academic performance!

Results of the 2019-2020 academic year