International College of Economics and Finance

Research seminar by Remzi Kaygusuz (Sabanci University): «Taxing Women: A Macroeconomic Analysis»

Joint ICEF and Faculty of Economics Research Seminar

Thursday, May 19 at 4.30 pm International College of Economics and Finance and Faculty of Economics held joint Research seminar.
Venue: Pokrovski Bulvar, 11, Room Zh-822
Speaker: Remzi Kaygusuz (Sabanci University)
Theme: «Taxing Women: A Macroeconomic Analysis» (joint with Nezih Guner and Gustavo Ventura)
( pdf version)


Abstract: Based on well-known evidence on labor supply elasticities, several authors have concluded that women should be taxed at lower rates than men. In this paper, we evaluate the quantitative implications of this conclusion in a model able to capture key cross-sectional observations for the analysis. We present a life-cycle setup with heterogeneous married and single households, costly childbearing and an operative extensive margin in the labor supply of married females. We find that relative to the current structure of taxation, setting a proportional tax rate on married females equal to 4% (8%) increases output and female labor force participation by about 3.9% (3.4%) and 6.9% (4.0%), respectively. We also find that gender-based proportional taxes improve welfare and are preferred by a majority of people. Nevertheless, welfare gains are higher when the U.S. tax system is replaced by a proportional, gender-neutral income tax.

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