International College of Economics and Finance

ICEF ARP Student Research Workshop

On September 24th ICEF Advanced Research Programme (ARP) organized a student research workshop in form of a research conference/defense of year papers. Members of ARP - ICEF BSc and MSc students presented their works, followed by assigned discussants and Q&A from the audience.


15.30 Introductory Remarks

15.45 Ilya Ilin: Business Cycles in the Russian Empire.

16.15 Evgeniy Maiorov: Asset Pricing with Institutional Investors.

16.45 Ekaterina Potemkina: Markets, Trade and Economic Efficiency.

17.15 Coffee Break

17.45 Danil Dmitriev: The value of Information under Ambiguity Aversion.

18.15 Iana Izgarsheva: Online Price Stickiness.

18.45 Daniil Gerchik: Idiosyncratic Risk and Financial Constraints.

19.15 Concluding Remarks