International College of Economics and Finance

ICEF 10th graduation ceremony 2010

On September 16, 2010, the tenth ICEF graduation ceremony took place at the British embassy in Moscow.
This year 82 bachelors and 20 masters graduated from ICEF.

On September 16, 2010, the tenth ICEF graduation ceremony took place at the British embassy in Moscow.
This year 82 bachelors and 20 masters graduated from ICEF. Among BSc graduates 18 earned a First Class Honours degree from the University of London, and 15 of these also received a HSE Honours diploma. 

For ICEF’s BSc and MSc programme graduates, Thursday, September 16, was a very special day: they were going to receive their diplomas! At 2 p.m. the bachelors and the masters gathered at the university campus to listen to instructions, put on their dressing gowns and take pictures. Then, shortly before 6 p.m., the ICEF delegation arrived at the embassy of Great Britain in Moscow, where the tenth ICEF graduation ceremony took place.
The masters received official letters of validation (signed by the LSE Director) from the LSE and MSc degrees in Financial Economics from the HSE. The bachelors were awarded two diplomas:  BSc degree from the University of London of one of the specializations: Economics, Economics and Management, Economics and Finance, Banking and Finance, and BSc degree in Economics from the HSE.

Russian diplomas were awarded by the ICEF Director Sergey Yakovlev while the British ones – by the new Vice-Chancellor of the University of London Geoffrey Crossick.
Denis Keefe, Deputy Head of Mission, Vadim Radaev,  First Vice Rector, acting Rector of the HSE, Janet Hartley, Pro-Director of the LSE, Sergey Petrov, Deputy of the State Duma of Russia, member of the SD Committee on Budget and Taxes,  Sergey Gorkov, Sberbank Director of the HR Policy Department, all spoke to the graduates and wished them further success.

After the ceremony, the graduates, teachers and administration representatives continued to celebrate in a less formal atmosphere of happy smiles, photo camera flashes and congratulations… 

ICEF staff and students wish the graduates to be confident in themselves, to aim higher and higher and to find their way in life!