Международный институт экономики и финансов

Научный семинар Алексея Парахоняка (ВШЭ и МИЭФ): «Consumer search with costly second visits»

Алексей ПарахонякВ четверг, 16 декабря в 16.30 в ауд. Ж-822 (Покровский бульвар, 11) прошел научный семинар МИЭФ.
Докладчик: Алексей Парахоняк (ВШЭ и МИЭФ)
Тема доклада: «Consumer search with costly second visits» (совместно с Мартином Янсеном)




Тезисы доклада: This paper builds a consumer search model where unlike previous search models the cost of going back to stores already searched is explicitly taken into account. We show that the optimal search rule under costly second visits is very different from the optimal search rule when consumers can go back to stores previously visited at no cost. Under costly second visits, the optimal search behaviour is nonstationary and, moreover, the reservation price is not independent of previously sampled prices. We fully characterize the optimal search rule under costly second visits when a finite number of firms draws price quotes from a given distribution.

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