Научный семинар Олега Замкова и Джеффри Локшина (МИЭФ): "Academic Achievement, its Predictors and Applications: the case of ICEF and UoL"
В четверг, 15 октября в ауд. Ж-822 (Покровский бульвар, 11) состоялся очередной научный семинар МИЭФ.
Докладчики: Олег Замков, Джеффри Локшин (МИЭФ)
Тема доклада: "Academic Achievement, its Predictors and Applications: the case of ICEF and UoL"
Abstract: In this paper, we construct models for the academic achievement of Economics students in various subjects at our institution. These models include students’ previous scores and objective information about their studies during the year, including marks for home assignments and tests; subjective information from the students is not used. The predictive power of this model is high, and we use the model to formulate how the university can enhance academic achievement and improve the quality of studies. Possible ways of achieving this are varied, e.g.: improving feedback (informing students how to best interpret their marks); tailoring subjects of secondary importance to the needs of the major subjects; determining the need for additional classes or tutorials; identifying and assisting students who are in danger of failing.
Рабочий язык семинара - английский.