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Международный институт экономики и финансов

Научный семинар Фабиана Слонимчика (МИЭФ): «Employment and Distribution Effects of Changes in the Minimum Wage»

В четверг, 12 ноября в ауд. Ж-822 (Покровский бульвар, 11) состоялся очередной научный семинар Международного института экономики и финансов. 
Докладчик: Фабиан Слонимчик (МИЭФ)
Тема доклада: «Employment and Distribution Effects of Changes in the Minimum Wage»



Abstract: This paper shows that `over-education' can be generated endogenously in eficiency wage models and that a fall in the real value of the minimum wage can reduce total employment, lead to a simultaneous decline in both the relative employment and the relative wage of low-skill workers, and produce a rise in within-group as well as between-group inequality. Evidence from the US suggests that these theoretical results are empirically relevant.

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