ICEF-UAE: Expanding the Geography of University Cooperation
The United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) stands as a leading provider of higher education and research in the United Arab Emirates and the Middle East. The UAEU has as its goal to provide an environment conducive to research in a variety of fields, playing an important role as a contributor to specialist training in diverse areas of expertise.
UOAE in ratings
The UAEU ranks as the United Arab Emirates’ second top university according to QS 2023, holding a place also among Tоp-30 schools in the QS Top 50 Under 50 2021.
With HSE University being UAEU’s first, and currently the only, partner based in Russia, its College of Business and Economics started partnership relations with ICEF HSE.
One of the nine colleges within the UAEU, the College of Business and Economics (CBE) has grown to achieve top international rankings since its establishment in 1977.
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