International College of Economics and Finance

Interview with Geoffrey Crossick, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London

Geoffrey Crossick, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, took part in the HSE International College of Economics and Finance graduation ceremony on September 16th. What else was in the programme of his visit to Moscow? What does he think about the problems and prospects for higher education development in Great Britain? And what about cooperation with the HSE?

— Professor Crossick, as far as I know, you have recently become Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, and apart from administrative work you have been carrying out research and reading lectures for many years . Please tell us something about your professional interests.

— Yes, I took responsibility of Vice-Chancellor of the University of London just two weeks ago. I am a historian, and for most of my life I have been reading lectures to students at various universities in Great Britain. Early in my career, the main theme of my research was the history of the working class in 19th-century Great Britain, then eventually the sphere of my research interests broadened, and I started studying the history of the British bourgeoisie. My profession is social and cultural history, and I also approach my administrative functions as a historian. In 2002 I headed the Arts and Humanities Research Council, thus my academic activities were expanded with a number of responsibilities in research management. Now I am mastering the field of university management. Read more>>