International College of Economics and Finance

Opening of the ICEF International Research Laboratory in Financial Economics

On September 17, 2010 the solemn opening of the ICEF International Research Laboratory in Financial Economics (ILFE), created jointly with the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), took place at the HSE university campus in Moscow.

On September 17, 2010 the solemn opening of the ICEF International Research Laboratory in Financial Economics (ILFE), created jointly with the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), took place at the HSE university campus in Moscow. 

 The establishment of the ILFE was in some sense a logical continuation of a joint Master's programme in Financial Economics, that was opened at ICEF three years ago with the academic support of the LSE.

Sergey Yakovlev, ICEF Director, sees the main goal of the Laboratory in “creation of an active research environment at ICEF for the implementation of the fundamental research in the field of economics and finance, that would correspond to the international standards”.

The research at ILFE is aimed at publication in top international refereed finance and economics journals, to which the Russian researchers have very limited access now.  At the same time Sergey Yakovlev stressed that the Laboratory was conceived as an open academic space: n ot only professors and students of HSE and LSE, but also representatives of other universities can participate in it. The specialists from Oxford, Vienna, Belgrade and other European research centers have already been invited to participate in the work of the Laboratory.    

The directorate of the London School of Economics and Political Science at the ILFE opening ceremony was represented by the pro-director of the LSE professor Janet Hartley, who noted the growing interaction between the two universities at the academic level and high level of training of Russian students, and expressed the hope that a new research project would receive international recognition.

Christian Julliard and Carsten Sprenger
The Head of the Labor atory, ICEF associate professor Carsten Sprenger (PhD Economics) noted the specific structure of the Laboratory. "It is particularly important to create the laboratory here in Moscow, where the economic research, particularly research in the field of financial economics, is still underdeveloped, - he said. - It is important, because Moscow is a major financial center, and there are a lot of processes here that require serious consideration.

Sergey Shishkin
HSE Vice-Rector Sergey Shishkin confirmed that further integration into the international academic process and establishment of the research links with leading universities  worldwide, including through the establishment of joint laboratories, are the priorities of the HSE". The first laboratory was created in an interesting and promising area of research - he said. - Perhaps the joint work within the framework of the ILFE will help us all to prevent another financial crisis. "

However, a more modest goal is in front of the laboratory staff for the time present - to

Christian Julliard
enter into the working mode.
The first research seminar began immediately after the presentation: the Laboratory’s Research Director, the LSE professor Christian Julliard, made a report on The Empirical Likelihood of Tail-Sensitive Preferences.

Klaus Gugler
Also, two honorary guests of the seminar – professor Klaus Gugler (University of Vienna) and professor Branko Urosevic (University of Belgrade) presented their reports.



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