New achievements of ICEF students
University of London published a list of ICEF 2-4 years' students who received Awards and Letters of Commendation for Academic Achievements on the University of London International Programme 2017 and 2-4 years' students who showed best results in the world by subjects.
Awards for academic achievements acknowledge a student’s outstanding performance in all 2017 exams. Students will receive a Certificate and formal letter signed by the University of London Pro Vice-Chancellor. The Letters of Commendation acknowledge students’ excellent exam performance and encourage them to do well in the rest of the programme. Students will receive a Certificate and formal letter signed by the Chair of the EMFSS Programme Board of Examiners.
In total 8 ICEF students were awarded:
By results of 2nd year exams:
Maxim Aleksandrov
Anastasia Demina
Kseniia Guseva
Hyen Jin Han
Ivan Loktaev
Gleb Plaks
Victor Semin
By results of 4th year exams:
Martsella Davitaya
8 students were commended:
By results of 2nd year exams:
Alexey Cherenov
Iana Chernyshova
Ekaterina Kotlinskaya
Maria Lycheva
Medina Palankoeva
Margarita Petrusevich
By results of 3rd year exams:
Valeriya Erokhina
Elina Tugaeva
9 students received Top Scores in the world by subjects:
By results of 2nd year exams:
Alexey Cherenov (Algebra)
Kseniia Guseva (Calculus)
Gleb Plaks (Statistics 2)
By results of 3rd year exams:
Valeriya Erokhina (Elements of econometrics)
Elina Tugaeva (Further mathematics for economists)
By results of 4th year exams:
Danil Dmitriev (Further linear algebra, Optimisation theory)
Dmitry Gorbatenko (Mathematics of finance and valuation)
Anna Koroleva (International economics)
Ilya Ofitserov (Industrial economics, Corporate finance)
By results of 4th year exams 49 graduates (28% of all graduates) received 1st class-honours degrees of the University of London. As a rule, only 4-5% of the best graduates receive such degrees in the rest of the world.
Congratulations to ICEF and its students with this extraordinary achievement!