ICEF professors present at the 51st annual IATEFL conference
51st IATEFL conference was held in Glasgow (Great Britain) from 3 till 7th of April 2017. 2,700 delegates registered for the conference and nearly 400 gave talks and held workshops. ICEF was represented by two delegates: ICEF English Coordinator Elena Velikaya who gave a talk An academic presentation as a text (analysis of textual features) and Wayne Rimmer who is IATEFL PronSIG Coordinator. The annual IATEFL conference plays an important role in the dissemination of innovations in linguistics and practice of English language teaching. Our teachers help to promote Russian education system worldwide being members of international organisations.
IATEFL is the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, and was founded in Britain in 1967. The main work of the Association is to develop links between organisations and specialists in the field of English language teaching.
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