International College of Economics and Finance

Job Market Seminar by Bulat Gafarov (Pennsylvania State University)

On Wednesday, February 1 at 10.30 am, ICEF and FES held the Job Market Seminar.
Speaker: Bulat Gafarov (Pennsylvania State University)
Theme: "Inference on Scalar Parameters in Set Identified Affine Models"

On Thursday,
  February 1 at 10.30 am, International College of Economics and Finance and Faculty of Economic Sciences held the Job Market Seminar.
Speaker: Bulat Gafarov (Pennsylvania State University)
Theme: "Inference on Scalar Parameters in Set Identified Affine Models"

Abstract: This paper proposes both point-wise and uniform confidence intervals (CIs) for an element  θ1 of a parameter vector  θ  ∈  Rd  that is partially identified by affine moment equality and inequality conditions. The CIs are based on an estimator of a regularized support function of the identified set and have a closed–form. I provide examples in which my CIs are shorter than those in the existing literature. Furthermore, unlike much of the existing literature, the proposed CIs can be computed as a solution to a convex optimization problem, which leads to a substantial decrease in computation time. My approach can be used, for instance, to compute a CI for the returns to schooling using income bracket data without strong distributional assumptions.

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