International College of Economics and Finance

Tuition fees and scholarships for international students

Tuition fee

The tuition fee of the HSE and University of London Double Degree Programme in Economics is 715 000 RUB per year in the academic year 2018/2019.

Tuition fee discount and scholarships

ICEF BS programme offers a flexible system of tuition fee discounts for prospective international students and BSc international students with high academic achievement. According to ICEF statistics every year more than 50% of first year students receive a discount from 15% to 100% of a tuition fee (62% in 2017).

The size of a discount for freshmen is based on the entrance examination results (weighted average) and the results of various academic Olympiads. In the subsequent years the discount depends on the academic results of an international student at ICEF and his or her position in the final student ranking.

Weighted average is calculated as the sum of exam mark for Mathematics multiplied by 2, and exam mark for English.

For international students who apply to ICEF on the basis of the Russian Unified State Examinations the discount system can be found here.

More details: Regulation of ICEF BSc programme tuition fee discount system in 2018 (link to appear shortly)

Calculation of approximate tuition fee

Mathematics exam (min. 60)English exam (min. 70)
I am a winner of the International Youth Olympiad in mathematics;
I am a awardee of the International Youth Olympiad in mathematics;
I am a participant of HSE Olympiad “Vysshaya Proba” in economics or mathematics and I missed the award cut-off by 1 to 5 points;
I am a participant of HSE Olympiad “Vysshaya Proba” in economics or mathematics and I missed the award cut-off by 6 to 10 points;
I am a graduate of HSE partner school;
I am a graduate of HSE Preparatory Year programme;

For information: the conditions for contracts in 2018 >>

Weighted sum of your scores*:  ###
Your estimated tuition fee discount:  ###

Estimate the tuition fee discount
Weighted sum ≥ 270Discount - 75%
Weighted sum ≥ 255Discount - 60%
Weighted sum ≥ 240Discount - 45%
Weighted sum ≥ 230Discount - 30%
Weighted sum ≥ 220Discount - 15%

* Weighted sum: Math exam score is multiplied by 2; then it is summed up with the English exam score.