Научные работы преподавателей МИЭФ регулярно публикуются в ведущих российских и зарубежных научных журналах. В целях распространения новых результатов научных исследований преподавателей, МИЭФ выпускает серию научных докладов НИУ ВШЭ “Research in economics and finance”.
Основные публикации за 2011 г.
2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | >>> |
"The Housing Market and Housing Finance in Russia and Its Regions – A Quantitative Analysis"
Global Housing, Real Estate, and Finance. Hoboken, New Jersey, USA: John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Sprenger Carsten (with Urosevic B.)
"From Consumer Incomes to Car Ages: How the Distribution of Income Affects the Distribution of Vehicle Vintages"
WP9/2011/01. Moscow: Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics, 2011. – 52 p. Series WP9 «Research in economics and finance».
Yurko Anna
International Journal of Industrial Organization 29 (6), pp. 705-717. 2011
Igor Mouraviev
"Consumer Search Markets with Costly Second Visits"
University of Vienna Working Discussion Paper 1102
Parakhonyak Alexei (with Maarten C.W. Janssen)
"The Choice of Ownership Structure: Evidence from Russian Mass Privatization "
Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 39, June 2011
"How does income inequality affect market outcomes in vertically differentiated markets?"
International Journal of Industrial Organization, July 2011
Yurko Anna
"Linkages between Exchange Rate Policy and Macroeconomic Performance"
Pacific Economic Review, June 2011
Sokolov Vladimir (with Lee BJ., Mark N.)
"Informed Trading and Portfolio Returns"
Review of Economic Studies, June 2011
Bulatov Alexey
"The Risk Sharing Implications of Disaster Insurance Funds"
Journal of Risk and Insurance, August 2011
Bulatov Alexey (with Stephan Dieckmann)
«Linkages between Exchange Rate Policy and Macroeconomic Performance»
(with Lee BJ., Mark N.) Pacific Economic Review, № 16(4). p. 395—420.
Vladimir Sokolov