International College of Economics and Finance

ICEF Teaching and Learning Development Fund

ICEF Teaching and Learning Development Fund is a grant scheme that supports projects that introduce new ideas, explore innovative teaching, learning and assessment practices as well as new approaches to student orientation and student skills development. It can be used for work on programmes at both BSc and MSc levels. The Fund welcomes applications from individuals and course teams.

Grants can be used for a wide variety of projects, from the development of projects and case studies to the delivery of events and other initiatives, e.g. development of course guides for the team of class teachers, development of coaching and mentoring schemes, virtual networks for students, development of course websites, guides to skills development. 

In 2023-2024, priority will be given to the initiatives which are aimed at developing students’ specific employability skills (e.g. understanding historical, political, institutional, international, social and economic contexts in which specific economic analysis is applied; understanding statistical significance of data;  interpreting real world economic events and critically assessing a range of types of evidence; understanding relationship between verbal, graphical, mathematical and econometric representation of economic ideas and analysis) as well as initiatives that showcase how SmartLMS can be used for learning.

To apply, please complete an Application form and return it to Natalia Koliadina and Ksenia Khodyreva

Please feel free to contact us in advance of applying for further clarification and/or discussion of possible options to take projects forward.

When the project is completed we will ask you to send us a project report, along with any materials and photographs (for events, etc).