10th International Moscow Finance Conference

The conference is organized by the International Laboratory of Financial Economics (LFE), established jointly with the London School of Economics (LSE).
The conference organizing committee: Vladimir Sokolov (LFE Head), Alexei Boulatov (LFE Academic Advisor) and from LSE Christian Juilliard (LFE Research Coordinator).
Keynote speaker: Christine Parlour (University of California, Berkeley)
- Dan Bernhardt (University of Illinois/Warwick)
- Briana Chang (University of Wisconsin)
- Janet Gao (University of Indiana)
- Mariassunta Giannetti (Stockholm School of Economics)
- Michael Gofman (University of Rochester)
- Marcin Kacperczyk (Imperial College)
- Rafael Repullo (CEMFI)
- Vladimir Sokolov (ICEF, HSE)
- Alexey Boulatov (ICEF, HSE)
- Emilia Garcia Appendini (University of Zurich)
- Rajkamal Iyer (Imperial College)
- Ye Li (Ohio State University)
- James O’Donovan (City University of Hong Kong)
- Qifei Zhu (Nanyang Business School)
- Vincent Fardeau (ICEF, HSE)
Date, time: October 29-30, 16.00-21.00 Moscow time.
Language: English
To connect: registration*
*The event will be held online
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