Third ICEF Conference on Applied Economics (special online edition on COVID-19)
The International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) is pleased to invite you to attend the Third ICEF Conference in Applied Economics (special online edition on COVID-19), which will be held on Saturday, September 12, 2020.
Opening of the conference: 3:00 pm (Moscow time)
Location: Zoom
Live broadcast on ICEF Youtube channel:
Language: English
The list of presenters includes
Thomas Le Barbanchon (Bocconi University), Libertad González (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Ingo E. Isphording (IZA, Bonn), Stanislav Rabinovich (UNC Chapel Hill).
The organizing committee of the conference consists of:
Prof. Fabian Slonimczyk (chair, ICEF), Prof. Markus Gebauer (ICEF), Prof. Vladimir Gimpelson (Center for Labor Market Studies, HSE), and Prof. Marco Francesconi (Essex University).
Everyone interested is welcome to attend!
If you would like to attend, please, register here >>
In case of any questions please contact us:
Phone: (495) 772-95-90*27086
contact: Alina Volokhova
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