International College of Economics and Finance

First ICEF Conference in Applied Economics

Event ended

The International College of Economics and Finance is pleased to invite you to attend the
First ICEF Conference in Applied Economics
15 September 2018

Conference Programme >>
Conference Booklet >>

Opening of the conference: 10 am

The list of presenters includes Ralitza Dimova (University of Manchester), Patrick Gaule (University of Bath), Eric Gould (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Hartmut Lehmann (University of Bologna), Shoshana Neuman (Bar-Ilan University), Joanna Tyrowicz (University of Warsaw).

The organizing committee of the conference consists of: Fabian SlonimczykMarkus Gebauer, Vladimir Gimpelson, Marco Francesconi

Venue: Moscow, 26 Shabolovka street, building 3, room 3211

Everyone interested is welcome to attend!

Online streaming is available by the following links: - for iPad, iPod, iPhone - for PC and laptop

If you would like to attend, please, register here >>

In case of any questions please contact us:
Phone: (495) 772-95-90*26086
contact: Volokhova Alina