Antai Global Summer Program 2025

Dear Students,
ICEF is pleased to announce that Antai College of Economics and Management (ACEM), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, has opened applications for the Antai Global Summer Program 2025, which will take place from July 7 to July 25, 2025, in Shanghai, China.
As part of the ICEF partnership agreement with ACEM SJTU, two spots with full tuition waivers are available for ICEF students. Participants will need to cover the following expenses:
- Accommodation: USD 600–900
- Meals and other expenses: USD 1200
ACEM Scholarships ranging from USD 250 to USD 2500 are also available for top-performing students.
What does the program include?
- Academic component: Lectures by world-class professors, practical sessions, and Chinese language courses.
- Corporate experience: Visits to leading companies and lectures by top executives.
- Cultural program: Excursions, masterclasses, and activities focused on Chinese culture.
Sample school schedule is available here.
ACEM Online Info. Session
- When: GMT+8 16:00-17:00, Jan. 15, 2025 (TBC)
- How: Tecent/VooV Meeting (click to download)
How to apply?
- To apply for the spots with full tuition waivers, submit your application (in free format), to by February 15, 2025.
Selection will be based on academic performance (according to rankings valid as of February 2025 for bachelor’s and master’s students). - Participation at full cost is open to all interested students. More details: Antai Global Summer Program.
For questions about participation, please contact the Head of the ICEF International and Administrative Department, Anastasia Telitsina: tel: +8 (495) 772 95 90, ext. 27079, Email:
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