ICEF faculty members regularly participate in all leading international conferences the fields of economics and finance, both in Russia and worldwide, including Econometric Society meetings, meetings of the American and European Economic Associations, of the Game Theory Society, of the International Economic Association and many others. ICEF faculty also act as participants and panel organizers of the International Academic Conference of the Higher School of Economics on Economic and Social Development, and of other academic events conducted in Russia.
Conference participation in 2011
<<< | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 |
IZA Workshop on Understanding Informal Employment in Transition: The Case of Georgia (Bonn, Germany) November 24 - 27;
"The Effect of Taxation on Informal Employment: Evidence from the Russian Flat Tax Reform plus a summary of other research done on the area by the Center for Labor Market Studies-HSE" (presentation)
Fabian Slonimczyk
Miami Conference: Strategies for a Multi-Polar World: National Institutions And Global Competition (Maiami, USA) November 6 - 9;
"Does the Origin of the Firm Matter? Institutional Determinants of Acquisition Strategies" ( presentation)
MAri-Ann Betshinger
Midwest Economic Theory Conference 2011 (Nashville, USA) November 4 - 6;
Marketing via Friends: Strategic Di usion of Information in Social Networks with Homophily ( presentation)
Roman Chuhay
3rd Annual UECE - Lisbon Meeting - Game Theory and Applications (Lisbon, Portugal) November 3 - 5;
"Upfront Payment, Renegotaition and (Mis)coordination in Multilateral Vertical Contracting" (presentation)
Igor Muraviev
International Atlantic Economic Conference (Washington, USA) October 20 - 23;
"The Role of Passionate Individuals in Economic Development"
Roman Zakharenko
Macro and Financial Economertics Conference (Heidelberg, Germany) September 29 - 30;
"Continuous time option pricing with scheduled jumps in the underlying asset"
Sergey Gelman
38th European Assotiation for Industrial Economics (EARIE) (Stockholm, Sweden) September 1 - 3;
"Upfront payment, renegotiation and (mis)coordination in multilateral vertical contracting"
Igor Muraviev
26th Meetingof the European Economic Association (Oslo, Norway) August 25 - 29;
"Minimum price guarantees and consumer search"
Alexei Parakhonyak
Annual Central Bank Workshop on the Microstructure of Financial Markets (Stavangen, Norway) August 22 - 24;
"The impact of maturity financing choices made by primary bond dealers on repo markets"
Vladimir Sokolov
Singapore Economic Review Conference 2011 (Singapore) April 4 - 6;
"Unilateral Divorce Laws and Marriage Rates"
Anna Yurko
IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP Conferebce 2011 (Exeter, UK) July 12-16;
"Cooperation and spite: an experimental inquiry into the nature andcauses of punishment in public goods games"
Alexis Belianin
The 22nd Stony Brook Game Festival of the Game Theory Society (Stony Brook, USA) July14 июля;
"Playing against an Apparent Opponent: Liability and Litigation under Self-Serving Bias"
Maxim Nikitin
IX Conference of Spanish Association of Labor Economics (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) July 8-9;
«The Effect of Taxation on Informal Employment: Evidence from the Russian Flat Tax Reform»
Fabian Slonimczyk
16th World Congress International Economic Association World Congress (Bejing, China) July 4-8;
"The Role of Passionate Individuals in Economic Development "
Roman Zaharenko
"The Cost of Non-Decreasing Pay: Tenured Academics and Civil Servants"
Stanimir Morfov
"Upfront Payment, Renegotiation and (Mis)coordination in Multilateral Vertical Contracting"
Igor Muraviev
AIB (The Academy of International Business) 2011 Annual Meeting (Nagoya, Japan) June 24-28;
Mari-Ann Betshinger
The European Financial Management Association 2011 Annual Meeting (Braga, Portugal) June 22-25;
"Do locals perform better than foreigners: Evidence from mutual funds investing in Russia "
Carsten Sprenger
Society for Economic Design 7th biannual Conference (Montreal, Canada) June 15-17;
"The Cost of Non-Decreasing Pay: Tenured Academics and Civil Servants"
Stanimir Morfov
II World Finance Conference (Rodos, Greece) June 15-17;
"Transaction costs, liquidity and expected returns at the Berlin Stock Exchange, 1892-1913"
Sergey Gelman
INFINITI 2011(Dublin, Ireland) June 13-14;
"Option pricing on target stock under multiple decision reversions"
Sergey Gelman
IZA/World Bank Workshop: Institutions and Informal Employment in Emerging and Transition Economies (Bonn, Germany) June 9-11;
"The Effect of Taxation on Informal Employment: Evidence from the Russian Flat Tax Reform"
Fabian Slonimczyk
The International School and Conference on Network Science (Budapest, Hungary) June 6-10;
Roman Chuhay
3rd EMG Conference on Emerging Markets Finance (London, Great Britain) May 5-6;
"Tracing the Impact of Liquidity Infusion by the Central Bank on Financially Constrained Banks: Evidence from a Natural Experiment"
Vladimir Sokolov
Conference “Royal Economic Society 2011” (London, Great Britain) April 17 - 21;
"Minimum Price Guarantees In a Consumer Search Model"
Alexei Parakhonyak
Conference “Social Decision Making: Bridging Economics and Evolutionary Biology” (Ascona, Switzerland), April 20;
"Regional Patterns of House Prices in Russia and their determinants; Investment and Financing Decision of an Intinsically Motivated Enterpreneur"
Roman Zaharenko
The 9th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference (Boston, USA), April 8 - 10; "Assessment and effective feedback in ESP classroom"
Igor Muraviev
(Moscow, Russia), April 5-7;
«Factors of cooperative behaviour in experimental games»
Alexis Belianin
«Tracing the impact of liquidity infusions by the Central Bank on financially constrained banks»
Vladimir Sokolov
«Children versus ideas: an “influential” theory of demographic transition»
Roman Zaharenko
«Buyer Power and Vertical Coordination in Bilaterally Oligopolistic Industries»
Igor Mouraviev
«The value of commitment: Marriage choice in the presence of costly divorce»
Anna Yurko
«Does nationalization work? Evidence from Russian State takeovers»
Carsten Sprenger
«Relative performance evaluation and managerial outside options»
Stanimir Morfov, M. Santos
«Performance of domestic and cross-border acquisitions: Empirical evidence from Russian Acquirers»
Мarie-Ann Betschinger, О. Bertrand
«Transaction costs, liquidity and expected returns at the Berlin Stock Exchange, 1892-1913»
Sergey Gelman, C. Burhop
«Double contagion: The impact of globalization and exchange rate regime on financial Fragility»
Maxim Nikitin
«The effect of taxation on labor market informality: evidence from the Russian flat tax Reform»
Fabian Slonimczyk
21st Asia Pacific Futures Research Symposium (Singapore), February 15-20; "In Battle for Liquidity: A Tale of two Russian Exchanges"
Vladimir Sokolov
Midwest Finance Association's 60th annual meeting (Chicago, USA), March 2-5; "Outcomes of Fed Repo Auctions and the Term Structure of Money Market Interest Rates"
Vladimir Sokolov
Conference on Diversification of the Russian Economy (London, Great Britain), February 2-5;
"Performance of domestic and cross-border acquisitions: Empirical evidence from Russian acquirers"
Мarie-Ann Betschinger
Alp-Pop: Alpine Population Conference 2011 (La Thuile, Italy), January 9-12; "Children Versus Ideas: an "Influential" Theory of Demographic Transition"
Roman Zakharenko