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Sergey Yakovlev

Director of the International College of Economics and Finance

Welcome from ICEF Director Sergey Yakovlev

Dear friends,

In 2017 ICEF celebrated its 20th anniversary! Twenty years ago, ICEF started off as a double-degree undergraduate programme and now it has transformed into a full-scale research and education centre, offering an international undergraduate programme and a Master’s programme in Financial Economics (with the participation of LSE). ICEF’s academic staff are engaged in research projects at the forefront of contemporary economics and publish their research findings in leading international scientific journals.

We consider July 2, 1997 to be the ‘birthday’ of ICEF, as it was on this day that HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov and LSE Director Anthony Giddens signed a partnership agreement, which foresaw the establishment of a ‘world class college in economics and finance’ at HSE.

ICEF is still young and looking towards the future. I hope that all of us attain new goals and achievements, make bold decisions, and come up with new ideas. Moreover, I hope that our most ambitious plans come true.


How it all started

Speech of HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov on ICEF Anniversary

Twenty years ago, my colleagues from the Faculty of Economics at MSU came to HSE, which was quite a young institution at the time, and proposed doing this project. As you can see, the project has been realized and, today, it’s not just the successful venture of Sergey Yakovlev, Oleg Zamkov and their colleagues. We can also talk about it as a Russian success story from the 1990s. There weren’t that many then, but ICEF reminds us about all the things that can be done in an open environment. This was the first large-scale attempt to integrate the Russian education system with the global academic environment. Furthermore, ICEF has been an engine for transforming the entire Russian higher education system. 

Our collaboration with the University of London spread to other HSE faculties. This is a very successful example of collaboration based on mutual respect. I would like to thank our British colleagues, who had faith in this initiative, and the resilience of the team that started the project. Today, we can clearly see their contributions.

Speech of ICEF Director Sergey Yakovlev on Anniversary

Welcome dear guests and colleagues!

Today is a joyful day, as we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the International College of Economics and Finance, which was established at the Higher School of Economics with the involvement of the London School of Economics and Political Science along with the support of the Russian business community. I am very grateful to everyone who was able to come here today. And I am very glad that we have gathered in such a spiritual place as the Pushkin Museum.

Twenty years is a short period in terms of history. The college is still young, and we don’t have time to live on memories. Nevertheless, I would like to highlight briefly what ICEF is and what remarkable things it can offer, in our opinion, to HSE and our country at large. Read more >>




7 September

16.40 · Shabolovka 26, ICEF campus, room 3211

ICEF Research Seminar by Francisco Gomes (LBS)

14 September

13.30 · Shabolovka 26, ICEF campus, room K-9

Welcome event to ICEF 2nd year students starting the University of London (UoL) programme with the participation of Professor Sir Adrian Smith UoL Vice-Chancellor, and Dr. Mary Stiasny, UoL Pro Vice-Chancellor

15.00 · Shabolovka 26, ICEF campus, room K-9

Honorary lecture by UoL Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Adrian Smith on "The changing global landscape of Higher education"

15 September

11.00 · Sofiyskaya naberezhnaya, 14, The UK Ambassador’s Residence

The seventeenth ceremony of awarding diplomas to graduates of Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes of ICEF HSE

19.00 ·  ul Prechistenka 12/2, Pushkin Literary Museum

ICEF 20th Anniversary reception

Photo album


21 October

14.30 · ul Novy Arbat 21, Hyundai Motorstudio

ICEF Alumni Unconference

27-29 October

10.00 · Shabolovka 26, ICEF campus

Sixth International Moscow Finance and Economics Conference

Among our invited speakers were such major scholars as Amir Yaron (Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania), Dmitry Livdan (Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley), Jos van Bommel (Luxemburg University), Sergey Tsyplakov (University of South Carolina), Ramin Baghai (Stockholm School of Economics), Fabiano Schivardi (LUISS and EIEF), Norman Schurhoff (HEC, Lausanne), Alexis Toda (University of California, San Diego).


10 November

Shabolovka 26, ICEF campus

Honorary lecture by a nobel prize laureate, Regius Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics Sir Christopher Pissarides

30 November

Shakti Terrace

ICEF Birthday


8 December

London, LSE

ICEF alumni reunion

28 December

Shabolovka 26, ICEF campus

ICEF alumni reunion

ICEF Anniversary album

See all photos and upload yours


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