International College of Economics and Finance

Tag "partnerships"

ICEF Has Received a Recognition Letter from the University of London

ICEF Has Received a Recognition Letter from the University of London
The University of London (UoL) has completed its task of monitoring the performance of Teaching Centres that operate under the Teaching Centres Recognition Framework. Upon consideration of the information gathered, the performance achieved by International College of Economics and Finance has been rated as excellent.

ICEF Job Market Seminar by Luca Mazzone (University of Zürich)

On Wednesday, February 5 ICEF held the Job Market Seminar.

ICEF/FES Job Market Seminar by Vladimir Smirnyagin (University of Minnesota)

On Tuesday, February 4 ICEF and FES held the Job Market Seminar.

ICEF Job Market Seminar by Panagiotis Margaris (Stockholm School of Economics)

On Monday, February 3 ICEF held the Job Market Seminar.

ICEF Job Market Seminar by Runjie Geng (PhD from University of Zurich)

On Thursday, January 30 ICEF held the Job Market Seminar.

ICEF/FES Job Market Seminar by Ruslan Sverchkov (University of Pennsylvania)

On Thursday, January 23 ICEF an FES held the Job Market Seminar.

'We Want Colleagues We Сan Learn from'

'We Want Colleagues We Сan Learn from'
In early January, the ASSA Meeting (Allied Social Science Associations), an annual event organized by the American Economic Association (AEA), was held in San Diego. The annual ASSA Meeting lasts three days, during which attendees give talks, attend workshops, and participate in panel discussions. For many emerging researchers, however, the event's main draw is its function as a job interview venue. This year, ICEF Associate Professor Udara Peiris interviewed job candidates there for a faculty position at the ICEF. Professor Peiris discusses which universities are active on the job market, how one can get a job at the ICEF, how HSE University can attract candidates from abroad, and what makes a candidate more competitive on the job market.

ICEF Job Market Seminar by Dakyung Seong (UC Davis)

On Tuesday, January 14 ICEF held the Job Market Seminar.

“ICEF’s best-performing students do show the level of skill expected of the students of the world’s top universities”

“ICEF’s best-performing students do show the level of skill expected of the students of the world’s top universities”
Is it difficult to enroll in a university abroad? Where do Russian students go wrong when they start an overseas training programme? Will artificial intelligence eventually replace humans in the domain of Finance? We talked to Dr. Georgy Chabakauri of The London School of Economics and ICEF International Academic Committee to get answers to these and many other questions.

ICEF Job Market Seminar by Oleg Baranov (University of Colorado at Boulder)

On Tuesday, December 17 ICEF held the Job Market Seminar.