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заместитель директора по академическим вопросам Замков Олег Олегович
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Клаус Гуглер (Университет Вены) на семинаре Международной лаборатории Финансовой экономики МИЭФ

Мероприятие завершено
17 сентября 2010

17 сентября 2010 в 15.45 в ауд. Ж-827 профессор Университета Вены Клаус Гуглер выступит с научным докладом на семинаре в рамках Международной лаборатории Финансовой экономики в МИЭФ.

Тема доклада: "Market Optimism and Merger Waves"

Рабочий язык семинара - английский



Abstract: One of the most conspicuous features of mergers is that they come in waves, and that these waves are correlated with increases in share prices and price/earnings ratios. We argue that stock market booms and merger waves are both driven by increases in optimism in financial markets. We discuss two behavioral hypotheses about mergers – the managerial discretion and overvaluation hypotheses – claim that merger waves are driven by market optimism. We also briefly consider and reject two neoclassical hypotheses that claim to account for mergers waves. We provide empirical support for the managerial theory by showing that the amounts of assets acquired by companies increase as optimism in financial markets increases, and that the returns to acquiring companies’ shareholders are inversely related to market optimism at the time of mergers. We also show that our measures of market optimism can explain managerial choices of finance for mergers.

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